Saturday, April 18, 2009

X-Ply: Can Multiply beat the world's largest sites?

Site launches on Apr.10, 2009: 0
Hits as of Apr.18, 2009: 20
Goal for May 18, 2009: 20,000

Multiply - The Blog is a psychosocialcyberexperiment.

Can a simple blog garner more hits than the world's largest websites, including Facebook,, and the New York Time?

I think it's possible, with your help. This blog has no hidden goals. I am not going to litter the page with "traffic-attracting" schemes like celebrity pictures, hot key-words, or the like. The goal of this site is to simply multiply the hits based on "word-of-mouth": you visit the site as Visitor #34 on Apr.30, 2009, and you return on May.30, 2009 and notice you're visitor #3400. And on Dec.30, 2009, you're visitor #54,000. And next year, you're visitor #1,000,000,000.

So let's x-ply.

Here's the first graph of hits. Yes, it has a cumulative total of 20 or so hits. The Y-axis is NOT in thousands or millions.

It's 20 hits as of Apr.18, 2009.

Come back on May 18, 2009 to see if your hits is 200,000th hit.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It must be running Vista ...

The Mars rover, Spirit, is having unexplained computer reboots. Running Vista, you think? :)

Why didn't Microsoft leave XP alone? It finally had an operating system that worked well, was stable, and did not require 3GB or RAM. I've actually heard of people paying $99 for a downgrade, yes - a downgrade, to XP in lieu of Vista pre-installed on their new machine.

We can only hope Windows 7 is going to be better.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Facebook Nation, Pop: 200,000,000

If Facebook were a nation, it would be the fifth largest nation in the world.

Social networking sites, of which Facebook is by far the biggest, are here to stay. At one point not many companies or business had websites. Today it's impossible to think of a business without a web presence.

Now that "web presence" is spreading to individuals: it's almost assumed that you, as an individual, have a blog and/or are a member of a social network. This trend will undoubtedly grow: soon it will be inconceivable for a citizen of the civilized world to not have a social network persona.

Which leads me to ask ... if you don't exist on Facebook, do you really exist? :)